Our candidates

Meet our team

Managing the community is a teamwork and a team only works well when all its members share the same vision.

12 years ago, our Mayor, Pierre Rolin, created with Miguel Delacroix (alderman) the team known as “1640.be“.

Today, we need you to vote in favor of the 13 members of our team so that together we can continue to improve the quality of life for all Rhodians!

The 13 members of our team (11 from the municipality and 2 from the CPAS) are bilingual, hard-working and independent from all political parties.

They have no national or international political ambitions; all their time and energy will be devoted to Rhode!

They are complementary and experienced: lawyers, finance experts, entrepreneurs, editors, sportsmen and women, engineers, photographers, active in youth movements and voluntary work.

Together, they form a close-knit team determined to move Rhode forward.

The 13th of October, as authorized by law, vote for our 13 candidates on the “Mayor’s List”.

Pierre Rolin
Pierre Rolin


Miguel Delacroix
Miguel Delacroix


Julien Galand
Julien Galand

Counsellor CPAS

Celine Van der Eecken
Celine Van der Eecken


Dominique Neirynck
Dominique Neirynck

Local counsellor

Tanguy Van Vlasselaer
Tanguy Van Vlasselaer


Françoise Gauthier
Françoise Gauthier

Local counsellor

Didier Vandenbosch
Didier Vandenbosch


Stephanie Van Rossum
Stephanie Van Rossum


Patrick Ipsen
Patrick Ipsen


Caroline Louveaux
Caroline Louveaux

Local counsellor

Anne Troussel
Anne Troussel

President of the CPAS

Olivier De Vos
Olivier De Vos


Pierre Rolin

60 years old

Mayor since 2012

Married with 3 daughters who studied at OLV

Rue Driesbos, 68

0475 53 49 03


Rhode and me

Rhodian since birth.

I’m independent, not a member of any political party.

My party is Rhode!

I make my decisions exclusively in the interests of Rhodians.

I served for 12 years on the CPAS board and council before being given the opportunity to become Mayor in 2012 thanks to you.

Rhode is a wonderful commune and my job every day for the past 12 years is to ensure that we can all live here in the best possible conditions.

I wish to continue to be a mayor who is available and at the service of all residents: young and old, advantaged and disadvantaged, Dutch-speaking, French-speaking etc…

Rhode is a commune where it’s good to LIVE TOGETHER.

Our diversity is an added value, let no one pretend otherwise.

My plans for Rhode

Continuing to promote “vivre ensemble – samenleving” (living together) by multiplying the opportunities for us to meet.

Our projects are all those that improve the quality of life for residents, there are no exceptions.

  • Ensure better mobility by developing bicycle paths and the appropriate design of sidewalks and roads.
  • Improve security by increasing police visibility in our neighborhoods.
  • Continue to develop our sports infrastructure
  • Improve the energy efficiency of our public infrastructures.

Rhode is one of the least taxed municipalities in Belgium, and it should stay that way!

My favorite

There are over hundreds of volunteers in Rhode. Often discreetly, they are active in sport, the environment, culture and solidarity. More than ever, our society has a duty to show solidarity. A hand extended with respect to a vulnerable, isolated or sick person is a source of shared happiness and can change a life!

Miguel Delacroix, 46

Alderman for Public Works, Sports and Youth

Married to Virginie Hatert

4 children

Avenue des Chênes, 22A

+32 477 83 76 07


Rhode and me

I was born in this beautiful commune and for nothing in the world would I want to live anywhere else.
I love this commune, which combines the advantages of a small village (friendliness, peace and quiet, nature, etc.) with the immediate proximity of a large town (shops, theaters, cinemas, etc.).

My plans for Rhode

To be happy, you have to be in touch with those around you, you have to love and be loved.
Human beings are social animals, genetically programmed to exchange, share and connect with others.

During my last mandate, my priority was “Living together”.
I’ve focused on developing activities and places that enable residents to meet each other, beyond their language and origins.

We’ve launched a host of new activities: the Egg Hunt, the Rhode 10km, the Christmas bonfire, the Christmas Market, etc., and we’ve also built places where people can meet on a daily basis: the new playground, the renewal of the village square, the development of Novarode Park, the renewal of Place Royale, etc.

For the next 6 years, I propose to continue in this direction.
Rhode is a great place to live!

My favorite

My favorite place in Rhode is without doubt the “Waterloosveld”.
This area between Waterloo and Rhode is often little-known to Rhodians, but it’s a real paradise.
Between fields as far as the eye can see and pretty little woods, this area offers a superb setting for a walk, especially at sunrise or – even better – when covered in a blanket of snow.

Julien Galand

Commercial Engineer

CPAS Counsellor and Member of the CPAS Board for 12 years

Married and father of two boys


Rhode and me

I’m originally from Uccle, and I discovered this magnificent neighboring town over 18 years ago while strolling along the Saint Anne ponds…. I fell in love with the incredible tree-lined, cobbled Rue Saint-Anne, which runs down to the ponds… a street from another century in my opinion, and a Rhode heritage! I love Rhode for its “nature” aspect, its bilingualism and its proximity to Brussels. I educate my children in our two national languages and believe that R(h)ode can serve as an example of “living together”. A place where life is good and where the focus is on projects that improve our society rather than on differences of language or culture.

My plans for Rhode

Like Pierre, I have no political commitment other than R(h)ode!

My aim is to develop this “living together” through projects that bring people together around subjects they are passionate about.
It’s important to promote cultural and social activities in the commune, in collaboration with economic and cultural players.
I like the diversity of our events in R(h)ode: Brocante, Apéro’s, Urban Ro(h)ode… 12 years ago, with Miguel, our aim was to rejuvenate and energize the commune.
I think that the current majority has shown that it can do this.
In the future, we need to consolidate and improve what we’ve created, while at the same time breaking new ground.
An important point for me: we need to maintain the family character of our events, which are less about competition and more about bringing together young and old, families and friends of R(h)ode around fun and playful activities.

There’s one particular feature of R(h)ode that particularly appeals to me: its trees and nature.
R(h)ode is pleasant because it’s bordered by forests and fields and full of trees, some of which are over a hundred years old….
We need to maintain and preserve this heritage that we have inherited.
What we plant today is a gift to our children and our children’s children….

During this term of office, I’ll be paying close attention to our mobility policy, the safety of our streets for young and old, and the development of our sports facilities: field hockey, swimming pool, soccer and others. And as I said, and certainly in the context of global warming, to ensure that R(h)ode remains a green commune through the conservation, planting and re-planting of numerous trees!

My favorite

Anodin no doubt, but I simply love the name of this commune and the way it can be written in our two national languages with the famous: R(h)ode! I was born in 1180, but now I’m 1640!

Céline Van der Eecken,

Sustainability Consultant, Environmental Management Studies

Couple, happy parents of 2 teenagers

My address is a good omen 😉 :
Avenue de l’avenir 9, 1640 RSG

0497 70 93 82


Rhode and me

My family and I are happy to live in this green, bilingual and dynamic commune.
Our boys go to school in
OLV with the Ephetienne scouts and train youngsters at the Hoekies.

With Rita and Véronique, I initiated Let’s plant in R(h)ode, with Véronique and Marc, we organized the first Clean R(h)ode and I’m a member of TomorR(h)ode.

Today, I want to go much further and propose a sustainable vision with a positive impact on the environment, the economy and society.
By involving civil society and citizens.

Because tomorrow is about working together:
Politicians and citizens
Dutch-speaking and French-speaking
Public and private

My plans for Rhode

  • A meeting place: To create tomorrow together, you need to start with a place where you can meet. A convivial place dedicated to Rhode actors (associations and citizens), who, over a drink or during a thematic meeting, forge links, a sustainable vision and projects. And where everyone is welcome.
  • Bringing the RSG/ Espinette forest gateway to life: with access to toilets, a snack bar and nature activities.
  • Other examples of projects
    • Develop signposted circuits to discover local initiatives (Let’s plant, Natuurpunt/Kwadeplas, Bois de Rhode, Verdura…) and learn about the environment.
    • Encouraging the private sector to create more local jobs
    • Supporting organic/reasonable farming projects
    • Encourage the division of (excessively) large homes into quality multi-family dwellings
    • Embellishing the commune with artistic designs
    • Encourage neighborhood parties and the development of a network of solidarity among neighbors
    • And so many others… Shall we talk about them? Contact me at

My favorite

When Flemish and French speakers work together for the same cause.
You switch from one language to the other, or you speak your own language, it doesn’t matter… Or as I heard at the Rhodienne “Ici Madame on ne parle qu’une seule langue ” la langue du sport”.
I love it!

Dominique Neirynck

A happy couple, mother and grandmother.

Trained as a lawyer.

I started out as a tax expert, then spent nearly 30 years as the manager of a small business importing agricultural equipment (when they say that the law leads to everything… it’s true). ).

Thanks to the trust placed in me, I was elected a local counsellor in 2018. I am a member of the Mobility Commission, the Communal BiB(liothèque) Commission and, for the past 2 years, President of the Milieu Commission.

I still want to devote my time and energy to serving the people of Thode, listening to them on a daily basis and relaying their concerns.

Avenue Grand’Air 19A

0475 31 55 23


Rhode and me

I’ve lived in Rhode since I was a little girl.
However, over the years I’ve come to (re)discover this little commune on the outskirts of Brussels, whose borders flirt happily with 3 regions.

Every day, I appreciate more and more its “neither town nor country” feel, its well-preserved green spaces, its friendly and lively atmosphere without being stressful, its small local shops, and the activities that take place throughout the year, all of which provide opportunities to meet people of all languages.

My priorities for Rhode

Despite the crises of the past 6 years, the balance sheet is largely positive.
Of course, nothing is ever finished, and there is still work to be done to make life easier for residents and prepare them for future developments.

I will be focusing in particular on :

  • improving and preserving the quality of our environment
  • welcoming and supporting our community’s most vulnerable residents, including improving access to communal infrastructures for people who have difficulty getting around
  • improved mobility and public transport services for all those who need to travel regularly to Brussels
  • maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue between communities

My favorite

Without question (and without sycophancy), our Mayor, Pierre Rolin, accessible and available 24/7!

Tanguy Van Vlasselaer

Degree in Commercial & Financial Sciences

Candidate for the Municipal Council

Married with 2 children

Owner of Pollen magazine ( www.pollenmag.com )

DJ & event organizer


Rhode and me

Tradition and innovation!

I want to highlight the “living together” that is Rhode’s strength, through projects that bring residents together around subjects they are passionate about. As a DJ and event organizer, I know how essential it is to create moments of sharing. That’s why I’m committed to promoting the cultural, social, sporting and intergenerational activities that will make our commune so vibrant.

I’m also determined to energize the commune with a greater diversity of events.
I’d like us to be able to get together for convivial moments, whether over a good meal or a glass of wine, because these precious exchanges strengthen our ties and social cohesion.

Finally, I’ll be supporting the development of local shops and Horeca establishments on a human scale.
These initiatives are essential to preserving the quality of our living environment, while encouraging interaction between shopkeepers and residents.

I’m looking forward to helping make Rhode-Saint-Genèse even more lively and welcoming.
Together, let’s make our commune a better place to live.

In the future, it will be essential to consolidate, improve and innovate in areas such as roads, sports and events, while maintaining the family character of these events.

Another crucial point to consider is preserving the diversity of flora and fauna in Rhode. We are inestimably fortunate to be surrounded by vast fields, roads, waterways and forests. It’s up to us to maintain and protect this heritage for future generations, so that young people can in their turn pass on responsible actions.

    My favorite

    My favorite thing about Rhode-Saint-Genèse is the balance between tranquility, proximity to shops and the good humor of the locals around the gathering places …

    Do your shopping on foot, take your bike with the kids on the way to school, order your favorite sandwich at Bruno & Ann’s, meet friends in the streets, have an aperitif at the Piazza, buy your chicken at the Sunday market, eat ice cream at Cacao Tree, eat crisps at the fair, stroll around the back-to-school flea market, dance to rock music at On the R(h)ode Again, have your photo taken on the catwalks, drink mulled wine at the Christmas market…

    Françoise Gauthier

    2 children (28 and 26)

    With a degree in Biochemistry, I had the opportunity to work in the pharmaceutical industry before setting up my own business.

    I’ve been importing and selling wines and champagnes for over 15 years.

    Town counsellor for 12 years

    Avenue Driesbos 51

    0475 21 76 03


    Rhode and me

    Having been a Rhodian since birth, I was particularly keen to put my dynamism at the service of my community by sharing my interests in art, sport, culture and frank human relations.

    My plans for Rhode

    They focus on well-being of its residents in a community that respects the environment, and the development of young people through art and cultural activities.

    • For seniors

    For more than 9 years, the four of us have taken over the organization of New Bel Age.

    Every month, we organize a cultural outing for French-speaking seniors.
    These outings are all rich in human encounters and discoveries.

    Each of them is based around 3 themes: a visit to a town or exhibition, followed by a convivial meal, and then a more entertaining activity such as a visit to a workshop, a brewery, a chocolate factory or a boat trip.

    • For young people (aged 15-25)

    Passionate about modern art, I have opened my home to “Parcours d’Artistes” on numerous occasions.Parcours d’Artistes“and actively participated in the organization of Rodéart at the Centre Culturel Wauterbos.

    I also organize R(h)ode Young Art for the past 9 years.
    It’s an artistic event in which young people express themselves through art and music.

    They are delighted to be able to submit their talent to the public eye and ear.

    • For families

    Continue to build safe bicycle paths.

    Update the walking and cycling trails in the commune (create easy-to-use signposting and publish explanatory booklets).

    Organize gourmet walking tours to discover Rhode’s green spaces and meet local producers.

      Embellish the village square with public benches and sculptures to encourage interaction.

      Of course, developing all these projects and taking an active part in them requires time, which I’d be happy to continue devoting to my community.

      My favorite

      I’m attached to the “village” feel that Rhode has managed to preserve, where everyone can meet up and chat in the village square, at the market or at the grocer’s…..

      I love being able to get away from it all on foot or by bike in the fields and forests, while still being just a stone’s throw from the cultural wealth of Brussels.

      Didier Vandenbosch

      Married, 3 children (23, 21 & 16)

      Freelance photographer and resident of Rhode-Saint-Genèse for nearly 35 years

      Bellemansheide 19


      Rhode and me

      Raised in a bilingual family, my children have been growing up here since birth, attending school since kindergarten, and taking part in youth movements and various sporting activities.

      Very sporty, I know Rhode-Saint-Genèse literally like the back of my hand thanks to sport and mainly running.

      A few years ago, I set up a running club called R(h)odeRunners.
      In partnership with the local community, I was able to help a number of local people achieve a 5 km run in 10 weeks with the ‘
      Start to Run.

      I also know my community through my work as a photographer.
      During the Covid period, I travelled almost 500km on my bike for the ”
      Stayhome “.
      It was a voluntary project for which I photographed over 300 Rhone families, and which resulted in a beautiful and very positive book about this period.

      Rhode-Saint-Genèse is a very pleasant place to live, with nature at your fingertips.

      My plans for Rhode

      The Mayor’s list, made up exclusively of people independent of political parties, convinced me to join their ranks. Indeed, as part of this team, I am a resident at the service of the other residents of Rhode, with no political affiliation.

      I feel ready to help them complete the projects they’ve already started, and to realize and undertake their future projects.

      Personally, I want all Rhodians to feel safe.
      Safety includes getting around, especially for weaker users.

      Promoting exchanges between residents, whatever their origin or language, by developing and improving sports and leisure activities is an important point for me.
      It’s a wonderful way of bringing everyone together!

      It also involves ideas for educating young people to respect others and nature, so as to preserve our environment for them and for future generations.

      My favorite

      When I come across locals with sneakers on their feet whom I’ve helped to start running, and see that they continue on our many green paths.

      Stéphanie Van Rossum



      Commercial engineer at ICHEC, specializing in Finance and SMEs.

      Rue de la Station 57

      +32 47 113 35 68


      Rhode and me

      Rhodian by birth, I grew up there with my parents and spent my entire school career at the Wauterbos.

      It was when I realized how much this commune had to offer that I knew this was where I wanted to settle down and build my life.

      Today, that dream has come true: with my partner, we’ve just bought our home, with many happy years ahead of us.

      Rhode is a city full of promise, welcoming with an exceptional quality of life.
      Ideally located, close to everything, it’s the perfect place to blossom.
      What more could you ask for?

      My main projects for Rhode

      As a native Rhodian, I grew up in the heart of this commune and have been active in youth movements.

      My involvement in the Ephetienne unit, where I was a Scout leader for 6 years, had a profound impact on me and made me want to do more for the youth of

      I am convinced that the youth of Rhode can play an essential role in the future of our community, and I wish to put my energy at the service of the new generations.

      My priorities are focused on the youth of the Rhone :

      – scouting facilities for all.
      One of my top priorities is to

      find suitable premises for Rhode’s two units.
      A secure, well-equipped space is essential if the young people are to flourish in their activities.

      – promote the role of scout leaders.
      Their role is essential in transmitting strong values.
      I’d like to organize dedicated training courses for leaders, on a variety of topics such as leadership, safety, the environment and mobility.
      This will not only

      not only strengthen their skills, but also increase their impact on the young people they mentor

      – making outdoor activities safer and more dynamic.
      Another of my ambitions is to make our commune a safe playground for all kinds of youth activities.

      – giving young people a greater say.
      I want to give young people the opportunity to express their ideas for improving the commune.
      Whether it’s through sports, cultural or leisure projects, it’s important for them to be actively involved in the community.
      understand the impact that each and every one of us can have on our living environment.
      I’m also convinced that young people need to be made aware of the importance of environmental responsibility.

      – better waste management.
      Every family should be encouraged to adopt better waste management practices.
      I want to promote existing alternatives and encourage concrete exchanges

      – days of activities and awareness-raising on issues such as the environment and sustainable mobility, specifically aimed at young people.
      These moments of exchange will enable us to find solutions together to reduce our environmental impact.

      My favorite

      Rhode is a bilingual community, which I see as an immense asset.
      It gives young people the chance to learn two languages from an early age, a major asset for their future.

      Last but not least, I love the beautiful and welcoming setting of our commune, which allows you to enjoy the proximity of Brussels while at the same time offering a pleasant place to live and have fun, whether with friends or family.

      Patrick Ipsen

      Father of 3 children, two from a first marriage aged 14 and 10, and a 6-year-old daughter with my partner of almost 9 years.

      Wedding planner, home chef, salesman for a group of historic breweries in Brussels; in a word, I’m an entrepreneur!

      Chemin Geevaert 17

      0471/013 013


      Rhode and me

      I love Rhode for its tasty mix of usefulness with all the necessary shops and services nearby and also that village life feel on the edge of the Soignes forest and fields!

      Our three children go to school in Rhode, OLV and École de La Paix, and thrive there.

      My plans for Rhode

      My wishes for Rhode are:

      – develop “living together” by (re)talking to each other

      – ensure that our children’s streets are safe day and night.

      – ensure the placement of garbage cans to keep our community clean and constantly improve it

      – organize new rallying events such as the National Pic-Nic on July 21, organized with Richard Hammer and our alderman and friend Miguel Delacroix in just 3 weeks, which was a success.

      I’ll be putting all my expertise and know-how at the service of the residents of our beautiful commune of Rhode.

      My favorite

      It was certainly the Kwadebeekvallei that I discovered with my family and children.

      We were literally transported elsewhere.

      It was magical and we like to stroll there from time to time to escape for a while…

      Caroline Louveaux

      Mother of 3 young adults

      Sales engineer, self-employed in the building renovation sector

      Town counsellor for 12 years

      Police Counsellor, Chairwoman of the Mobility Commission and member of the Environment Commission

      +32 478 955 237


      Rhode and me

      Despite a few “youthful” infidelities, Rhode has always represented the family stronghold.
      My grandparents settled here when there were practically only fields.
      I came back to live in Rhode with my children so that they could flourish in this green, residential, friendly and livable commune, with its exceptional natural setting and great cultural diversity.

      My plans for Rhode

      Being very concerned by the environment and solidarity, I would like Rhode to evolve into a commune where these different aspects can meet:

      • increase the use of environment-friendly materials,
      • promote re-use and sharing among Rhodians
      • pursue a policy of waste reduction, in particular food waste, via the Épicerie Solidaire that I founded 4 years ago with 2 other Rhodians.
      • informing residents about “gestures in favor of biodiversity” by displaying signs in public spaces, distributing seeds, etc.
      • promote safe travel by bicycle and public transport
      • involve youth movements in actions to maintain a clean commune
      • help the Parvis Notre Dame scout unit find suitable premises
      • improve mobility and safety around the station

      My favorite

      Every week since the beginning of the Épicerie Solidaire adventure, my favorite moments have of course been the encounters and exchanges with extraordinary people, both the beneficiaries and the loyal team of volunteers.

      Every day, I’m also grateful for the chance to enjoy an exceptional living environment, in the immediate vicinity of the Forêt de Soignes and other places like the Kwadeplas and the Waterloosveld.
      To be able to disconnect at any time by going for a walk or a bike ride is so rejuvenating!

      Rhode is truly a commune full of surprises, where “living together” and solidarity are part of everyday life.

      Anne Troussel

      President of the CPAS since 2018


      Married, mother of 4 girls and grandmother of a little boy

      Avenue Pré au Bois, 22


      0473 34 07 64

      Rhode and me

      We’ve lived in Rhode for 20 years.
      Its green spaces, proximity to the forest and the calm of its neighborhoods were for us the main assets of this municipality, whose dynamism and village charm we also greatly appreciate.
      Thanks to the trust you have placed in me, I have been able to devote myself to serving the residents as a councillor and member of the Permanent Bureau of the CPAS since 2012.

      As President, my guiding principles are to listen to the expectations of our beneficiaries and to engage in dialogue with our staff.
      Today, strengthened by my experience within the CPAS and more than ever aware of the benefits of its many actions in the service of vulnerable people, it is very important to me to pursue the development of assistance and listening services for the elderly as well as for people facing isolation or poverty; these are realities in Rhode too.

      My main projects for Rhode

      • To carry out and complete the extension and redevelopment of the former nursing home.
        Then optimize the use of the new infrastructures available, while ensuring the quality of life together between the various players and beneficiaries present on the care site.
      • Make residents more aware of the CPAS and the wide range of services and activities it offers.
      • Multiply opportunities for intergenerational exchanges on the care site.
      • Develop and coordinate a network of neighbors in the various neighborhoods of the commune, with the aim of combating social isolation and improving the quality of life and comfort of those who feel the need.

      My favorite

      A jog or a walk in the forest.

      Meet the seniors of our commune and listen to them talk about Rhode in days gone by…

      Olivier De Vos

      Married to Sandrine Jung, father of 3 daughters

      Perfectly trilingual, management engineer, corporate finance professional, director of the Rodea adapted work company

      Avenue des Chênes 38

      Rhode and me

      A Rhodian since the age of 6, a former member of the Notre Dame school, a parent at the Kleuterschool De Hoek, then at the OLV, I’ve been lucky enough to benefit to this day from the many services and activities offered by our municipality, not only nurseries and schools, but also sports facilities, scouting, music and dance schools, libraries, and so on.
      An avid runner, there’s not a trail from the Forêt de Soignes to Sept Fontaines that I’m not familiar with.

      My main projects for Rhode

      As a candidate for the CPAS council, I would like to make a commitment to Rhode-Saint-Genèse.
      With almost 30 years’ experience in corporate finance and financial markets, and as a volunteer director of the Rodea adapted work company, I believe I have specific expertise combining financial management and the experience of a locally-rooted social enterprise.
      I would therefore be honored to have your support in putting this expertise at the service of our CPAS, the implementation of its major investment projects, its beneficiaries and its employees, with the vision of establishing its sustainability for the benefit of all.